Anyone can use art therapy. Art therapy can effectively treat people of all ages. Anyone from groups or communities to individuals to familes to people in all sorts of relationships can use art as therapy.
Common uses of art therapy
Common uses of art therapy include, but are not limited to, the following:
- People under lots of stress or pressure may use art as therapy.
- Managers and/or staff may be someone who uses art therapy.
- Someone who has mental health problems uses art therapy.
- Someone with learning disabilities or difficulties can use art as therapy.
- Children or young adults having problems in school can use art therapy.
- Kids, teenagers, or adults with personal problems can benefit from using art therapy.
- People with more serious issues can make use of art therapy…For example, people with autism, brain injuries, eating disorders, cancer, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, etc.
- Someone who believes they are problem-free and simply would like to explore themselves more deeply can be someone who uses art therapy.
As you can see, anyone can use art therapy…and anyone who uses art therapy is capable of benefiting from it in some way. There are benefits from simply using the arts as a creative outlet in one’s life, regardless of whether you are seeing an art therapist. Now obviously, there are going to be strong advantages to seeing an art therapist as opposed to someone who is using art therapy alone. At that point, it’s probably not technically called art therapy. But hey, if it’s therapeutic for you to draw or paint a few times a week (without an art therapist), then I would consider that therapy. Sure, it’s not “professional” therapy, but who says art therapy always has to be professional?
I encourage readers to consult with the American Art Therapy Association and the Art Therapy Credentials Board for an official definition of the profession of art therapy and appropriate use of the term “art therapist”. Art therapists, all of whom are masters level professionals, have taken graduate level instruction in psychology and art therapy in order to practice. They are bound by a code of ethics, coduct research and practice in clinical and non-clinical settings. Many have also received board certification by taking a national art therapy certification exam and may have other licenses such as Licensed Professional Counselor or Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. In addition, all are required to have taken at least 18 hours of studio art. For more information, see and
@P. Black I plan on adding to the Resources section of this site, but for now, there is a list of the art therapy associations in the U.S., including a link to the American Art Therapy Association.
i just found out ,about this profession, and i love it! it seems like my ideal career! i seem to do art therapy on people all the time when they are stressed out and children ,when they miss there parents and when they are sad , and i feel more connected to people that way too..and it makes me feel good at the same time…
That’s great Erica! Glad to hear you’ve found something you love. 🙂
Career Advice, anyone??
Last fall I received my MA Counseling Psych. and through those internships, realized that I don’t want to be a ‘typical’ counselor. I’ve recently learned about the field of art therapy and can’t get enough learning about it! (Too bad I didn’t learn about it before I started my MA.)
The only way for me to become an independently practicing art therapist (in CA) is to get licensed as a MFT; which means to go through 2yrs supervised internships (in addition to enrolling in post-MA art therapy cert.). That is exactly what I don’t want to do, counseling internships.
Should I just suck it up for the next 2yrs to get the license to practice? If I’m going to enroll in the post-MA cert., why don’t I enroll in a PhD if it’d only be another 2yrs? Any thoughts??
(Thanks in advance – I’m stuck with what move to make next.) -B.T.
did you get some advice? what did you decide?
One segment of the population that you missed is our aging seniors. The ability to do other activities may be diminished, but the need to create remains. Art therapy could be wonderful for seniors.
Recently I fell into a job at a new psych. hospital and am working under an OT who promotes creative therapy. I have a BFA in painting and I just finished a certification program in medical assisting, so this job was a godsend. Getting to utilize my artistic skills in a medical/psych. environment has been truly a joy.
Can a person with a simple BFA in painting find other music/ art therapy jobs out there? In a senior center environment possibly?
Melanie Lamar
This is amazing! I am doing a Senior Culminating projet at my school. I chose to create an audio slideshow about art therapy and its effectiveness on immigrants to the United States. I think that Art Therapy is extremely interseting and I would love to get into this career one day. I can’t wait :]
@Kaitlin, an audio slideshow about art therapy’s effectiveness on immigrants is a great idea…Feel free to share your experience here after your project 🙂
First of all excuse my bad english, I’m french and hope everyone could understand… I’m an art-therapist working in a psychiatric hospital and also in gerontology field with people who are suffering with alzheimer desease in an advanced stage. I’m looking for clinic testimonials, ideas, everything for improving and open my practice with these patients (Alzheimer in an advanced stage).
Thank you for help and thanks for your blog
i am happy to read your pages
Anybody can help me in art as therapy towards gifted and talented student with socioemotional problem?
Art,especially art in relation to colours,have a great influence in the healing of a great variety of ailment.Colour appeals to everyone and each colour has its basic healing capacity.In this light,just as there is an AMERICAN ART THERAPY ASSOCIATION,I would indeed like to have a NIGERIAN ART THERAPY ASSOCIATION.How do i go about this? Daniel Israel
i am a senor in hs and planed on majoring in art i just learned about art therapy, i can not find a schools that have a good art program and art therapy can anyone advise me.
thank you.
while using art in painting and drawing this will help the individual to feel a sense of achievement in creating and help their self esteem. This is because the brain is being active at this point and receiving signals of regonition. (In this case being placed on a surface and a piece of paper.) Also coordination with hand movements is helping this process. This occurs with music in particular as brain signals are sent to the body and produce movement and rhythm. This syncronizes with brain experiences and emotions that give also recognition or put into action responses.
Wow I have been undecided these past weeks on what Major to choose before transfering out of community college. My passion is Art and interest is Psychology, so this is PERFECT for me! I would like to specialize in Children mostly though. What Major would i choose if i become an Art Therapist? .. would Psychology be okay? or Psychology and minor in Art perhaps or child development?
Thank You! 🙂
I have a BFA already but have been interested in doing this for a living. What other education would I need do this as my career?
Thanks! Dani
i want to learn art therapy. i am intersted in art therapy… i studied it as a subject..
I am hoping to get some info. on being an Art Therapist from an Art Therapist?
If someone would email me with a reply or a number to call to get answers I would greatly apreciate it.
My questions are;
What is a Typical day like? What do you dislike/ like about your work? How did you become one or where did you get your degree? How did you find work? What strenghts/talents/skills do you feel are most important to your work? and Where are the jobs (schools, hospitals?)
Hi there, I’m currently working on my thesis and am very excited to start my research as it is about art therapy. I will be using art therapy with children who have experienced traumatic events- they are street children here in our community. From what I’ve read and listened to most art therapist, they said that anyone can really use art therapy, even without the presence of a professional therapist. What is important, is that the adult does not interpret the artwork of the child, but allow the child to be in control of the meaning of his or her artwork. The adult just act as a guide to help the child release emotions in images that are difficult to verbalize in words. This way it serves as therapeutic to the child as it provides a safe outlet for his or her emotions.
hello! i agree that art therapy works because i use it to calm my nerves even when im deppressed
I’ve been on the fence about art therapy for a while now. I recently attended an information session for a graduate program in Art Therapy and found out that art therapy is not a license to practice in Ohio, rather it’s a credential and in order to practice in Ohio I would need to be licensed in Counseling (or the like).
Here’s my question: Can someone without an art therapy credential use art (or writing or music) in the course of therapy with a client? Is that considered unethical? I’m struggling because the only art therapy program in the state is at a small, private college (one that I cannot afford to attend). Advice?
I am considering attending a less expensive university to pursue either social work or mental health counseling and I’m curious what the “rules” are for using art as part of treatment.
hi..i would like to know more about art therapy..n what make its defferent then art therapy express..tq
I am a senior currently in a Visual Arts major at my high school (it’s a magnet school). I am extremely interested in the Art Therapy career, but am having a hard time deciding which way to proceed toward it when applying to a college; through a Psychology route, or BFA/BA? Also, how much job security is actually in the career path of Art Therapy? (What, professionally, is there to do.) I live in FL with a Bright Futures Scholarship that will expire if i change my major midway, so knowing this information is urgent.
Please&thanks for any advice!
I’m currently undergoing a great deal of stress and anxiety. So much so that it’s greatly impacted my life causing me to drop out of college. I’m interested in trying art therapy but where can I locate an art therapist? I live in Virginia Beach, VA. Thanks for all your help in advance!
Did you try art therapy yet? If so, very interested in hearing your experience.
Where am I able to find information on the type of education I would need to work in the field of art therapy.
im currently doing a research on art therapy.n i need to know about percentage of people using art therapy in all ages-childrens,teens,adults n old can anyone help me obtain this is about epidemiology of art therapy..hope for an answer soon..thanks..
I’m looking into art therapy and would love to find some one I could shadow, so that I could decide if this is the direction I should head.
c”,) good day..
i’m currently enrolled in my master’s degree guidance and counseling. actually, i’m a first year student. i am planning to have my thesis focusing on creative arts therapy for victims of abuse.
i am into theater arts (dance and stage acting) and likes making art works as my personal therapy.
would it be possible for me to conduct a thesis using creative arts therapy for the victims of abuse even i don’t have certifications as therapist?
kindly help me… thank you
I am a 61 year old female looking for a job that I am passion about each morning I awake. Art has always be my passion. Therefore , if there is a place that I can train and learn from the Master’s in the field of Art therapy please let me know.
I am an artist, I’ve being doing it professionally for 30 years but now I’d like to get into something new, can any one recommend to go into Art Therapy?
Thank you.
Hi, i have a BA in Psychology and almost at the end of all prerequizits to applt for masters in art therapy. I decided this 2 years ago and since than i been taking many art classes. I have some experiance since i wass mentoring students with mental disability for two semesters at my university in drawing and painting classes. Twodays ago i was offered to practice art theraphy as independent contractor under licence of Pshycologist. I am in dilema is this ethical or not since i do not have finished propriate educatio and trening. This psycologyst told me that i do not need licence, as well as that to practice that in state of florida you do not need master degree. Can someone help me in this dilema.
Kristina….your comment made my brain explode. First of all, you spelled 99% of it incorrectly. Secondly, that psychologist should NOT have offered you a position as an art therapist. It would definitely be unethical at minimum. Possibly, dangerous…art can be a very powerful thing which “opens” patients up to a degree that you are not trained to deal with. You have not completed a Master’s degree in Art Therapy, the 1,200 hours of supervision or had any of the training or National level testing which leads to becoming a Registered and Board Certified Art Therapist. I have done all of that and worked for 20 years. There are plenty of others in FL who have as well and would be happy to work as an independent contractor. They can be found through the website of The American Art Therapy Association. Please, finish your education. If you are still interested in Art Therapy, get yourself into a Master’s program. I wish you the best.
thanks for this blog,i am a trained artist and educator of a famous school in nigeria, at present i work in school teaching small children,iam higly interested in this course,i have been doing different kind research on it to broaden my scope,please kindly guide me on the needed,certifications, seminars,conferences,and other enabled qualification process
This is a great idea. Art therapy really helped my brother and my mom. The one thing you left out is what the benifits from art therapy could be. I haven’t talked to my brother in a while and my mother doesn’t talk about it whenever we talk. (I didn’t read the comments ?)