Below is a list of graduate and undergraduate schools in Missouri. If you know of any schools or programs that should be added to the list, please leave a comment below. We’ll check out the school and add them to the list.
Graduate Art Therapy Schools & Degree Programs in Missouri
Emporia, KS
Emporia State University
Degree/Program: MS Degree Art Therapy Counseling
Contact: Dr. Gaelynn Wolf Bordonaro (Director Art Therapy Counseling Program)
Address: 1200 Commercial St., Campus Box 4036; Emporia, KS 66801-5087
Phone: 620-341-1200
Undergraduate Art Therapy Schools & Degree Programs in Missouri
Emporia, KS
Emporia State University
Degree/Program: B.S. Art Therapy Preparation
Address: 1200 Commercial St., Campus Box 4036; Emporia, KS 66801-5087
Phone: 620-341-1200
Kansas City, MO
Avila University
Degree/Program: MS in Counseling and Art Therapy
Contact: Laura Aube, M.S., ATR-BC, School of Psychology
Address: 11901 Wornall Road, Kansas City, MO 64145
Phone: 816-501-3792
St. Louis, MO
Webster University
Program/Certificate: Certificate in Art Therapy
Address: 470 East Lockwood Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63119-3141
Students should petition to become art therapy candidates at their regularly scheduled major acceptance review and begin keeping their art therapy journal under the supervision of the art therapy program advisor. (Regulated by the AATA, art therapists must complete a master’s degree in order to become registered and certified. The certificate in art therapy provides an initial stage of preparation for further training.) Students seeking this certificate are required to adhere to the Ethics and Standards of Practice guidelines of the AATA.
Unfortunately for me (and others I’m sure), Avila no longer has the Art Therapy program. I need help finding a graduate art therapy program close to Kansas city.
Need art therapy school near me. Live in S. W. corner of MO. Kansas City would have been perfect.
I am getting ready to finish my BA in Psychology and needed help in finding a program near the Kirksville MO (in NE MO) area if anyone has any suggestions I’d greatly appreciate it…thanks
Marcia, I went to Truman for Psychology in Kirksville and was also looking for a place nearby, but the closest program I could find other than Avila in Kansas City (which is no longer available) is in Edwardsville, IL at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville. I am currently in the program there. You would have to move from Kirksville, but it’s fairly close and I would recommend looking into it:
Thank You Chelsea for the information. Can I ask did you go up to the Master’s or Bachlor’s level in Psychology at Truman? Is there anythning offereed online that a person can take at least the begining classes and then transfer for the one’s in-seat? I’m in a contract with a house that I can’t move for til next year.
I just got my BS in psychology and went straight to SIUE after. Apparently Saint Mary of the Woods and Prescott College offer online art therapy and counseling courses, but I’m unsure about what practicum experiences they have to offer, and also unsure if you would be able to join mid-class. Contact SIUE’s office or another program’s, they can tell you the right answer. Good luck with your next steps!
I heard that TSU reinstated their counseling program, is that true? Regardless, SIUE offers classes for students to complete both counseling and art therapy classes to earn their ATR and LPC after graduation, which not all art therapy programs offer (*plug*!)
P.S. Marcia, on the Art Therapy Student Networking Forum in LinkedIn groups, many students ask questions like this. You might be able to find an answer there.
Thanks! I’ll check that out too. I really appreciate your response and helpfulness. I wish you well as you further your education too.
Just wanted to let you all know that although Avila University still offers a BA in Art Therapy.
Oops. Typo…
Please disregard the “although”. Thanks!
Check out Webster University, St. Louis, MO. (Webster, MO.) for Art Therapy.
Emporia State offers a Masters in Art Therapy!
Actually, Avila does offer a major for Art Therapy. I just went on a college visit there and that’s what I’m planning on majoring in. They said they they are pretty much the only college in my area that offers art therapy.
Avila offers a Bachelor’s in Art Therapy (I already have a Bachelor’s in Psychology) not a Master’s degree in Art Therapy any more. I have two special needs young adult children who live with me. Avila would have been perfect. I cannot afford to uproot my family (financially, emotionally, physically, psychologically, etc) just to pursue a degree. What was Avila thinking????? Emporai and St Louis as well as IL are all too far to go, especially with the cost of gas the way it is. I have to work to put food on the table as well. Any other ideas?
In addition to the two online courses above, there is Lesley in the Boston area. You work online in Fall and Spring, and in summer you go there and work in person. There are more specifics than I can recall at the moment, but Massachusetts is a vibrant place to be in summer.
Also, one of the most outstanding programs I’ve found is in Santa Fe, NM. Amazing, amazing, amazing. Also a day’s drive from KC.
I went back to school when I was a single mother, and had 2-year-old twins. I made it. It was scary at first, but it worked out.I think if you are determined and creative, things will somehow work out.
You may have already found your way, and I hope that you have, but if you are still looking I may have an option for you. I am currently attending the limited-residency program through Prescott College, this means that I attend colloquia weekends on campus but do the majority of my work online. It works great for me because I too have a family and a home in Missouri. Also, St. Mary of the Woods in Indiana has a similar program, which may be easier for you to get to because I think their colloquia are only twice a year rather than three times per year.
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I found this website as a most excellent web site for most up-to-date updates.
Just curious as to why Emporia State is listed under Missouri when it is clearly in Kansas. I work for ESU and it should only be listed under Kansas
Emporia State has a great certified graduate program for Art Therapy/mental health counseling combined for a 3 year full time for completion. I’m in my undergrad there for a B.S. in art therapy prep and I love it so far. Tuition is pretty good and it’s a safe campus. About an hour and a half away from downtown KC. I have taken classes with other students my age (31) and older who travel to and from KC. The grad program typically has class loads that are from Tuesday through Thursday I believe. The only thing is that there are 1000 hours of internship hours required for graduation in those 3 years.
Anyone who is looking for a grad degree for art therapy near Missouri, this is your best option. For most art therapy jobs, you MUST be certified. If you want to practice art therapy on the side in your self practice psychology career you can get away with getting non-certified education, however, there may be legal obsticales to overcome.
Lindenwood University in St. Charles, MO has program as well, it’s not perfect but they’re trying and you’d be getting a B.A. with an Emphasis of Pre-Art Therapy. That’s what I have. You have to go to grad school no matter where you do your undergrad. You can’t be certified with only a B.A.
How do you like Emporia’s grad program? I’m looking at grad schools to begin in the Fall 2017 and have already visited SIUE and Chicago Art Institute. I hadn’t heard much about Emporia. Any info would be great!