Below is a list of graduate and undergraduate schools and programs in Australia. If you know of any schools or programs that should be added to the list, please leave a comment below.
Graduate Schools and Programs in Australia
1. Ikon Institute (South Australia (SA), Western Australia (WA), Queensland (QLD))
Degree: Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy
Address: Level 1, 77 Jetty Road, Glenelg. S.A. 5045
Phone: (08) 8350 9753
More information
IKON is the only provider of an accredited Advanced Diploma of Art Therapy in SA and is the largest provider of Art Therapy training in Australia. Art Therapy is one of the most popular, innovative therapies being used today. It draws upon a number of creative and expressive modalities ranging from painting, drawing, writing, clay, poetry, drama, dance, music, and sand play. It has a broad range of vocational applications ranging from working with adults, children, aged care clients, brain injury patients, culturally diverse clients, and many client populations in between.
2. Phoenix Institute (Sydney and Melbourne, Australia)
Degree: Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy
The Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Art Therapy is a creative and enriching experience. One does not need to be an artist or have artistic talent to complete this course. Art therapy is a client-centred process and each module deepens the theory and practice of working creatively with the client by using paint, clay, music, movement and dance.
Melbourne Course and Campus Info
Melbourne Address: 314 Queen Street Melbourne, 3000
Melbourne Campus Phone: 03 9510 4264
More information
Sydney Course and Campus Info
College of Complementary Medicine
Postal Address: PO Box 2307 HORNSBY WESTFIELD NSW 1635
Street Address: Suite 104 2 Burdett Street HORNSBY NSW 2077
Phone: (02) 9482 3603
More information about this program
3. The University of Western Sydney
Degree/Programs: Master of Art Therapy
Address: Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South DC, NSW 1797
Phone: +61 2 9852 5222
Email for Australian students:
Email for International students:
Request an information packet: Course Enquiry Form
Web: Link to postgraduate art therapy section
4. La Trobe University
Degree/Programs: Graduate Diploma in Art Therapy, Master of Art Therapy
Contact: Ms Patricia Fenner (Graduate Diploma in Art Therapy) and Ms Hannah Menahemi (Master of Art Therapy)
Address: School of Public Health; La Trobe University, Victoria 3086, AUSTRALIA
Phone: Patricia Fenner at 03 9479 1759 and Hanna Menahemi at 03 9479 5490
Email: Patricia Fenner at and Hanna Menahemi at
Web: Link to art therapy program
Post Graduate Office contact info: 03 9479 5996 and
Melbourne, Australia
5. University of Queensland and the Melbourne Institute for Experiential and Creative Arts Therapy
- A Graduate Certificate in Experiential & Creative Arts Therapy
- A Graduate Diploma in Experiential & Creative Arts Therapy
- A Master of Arts (by Research) and a Master of Arts (by Supervision)
- A Professional Doctorate in Experiential & Creative Arts Therapy
- A Graduate Certificate in Experiential & Creative Arts Therapy.
- A Graduate Diploma in Experiential & Creative Arts Therapy.
- A Master of Arts (by Research) and a Master of Arts (by Supervision).
- A Professional Doctorate in Experiential & Creative Arts Therapy.
Contact: No specific contact found
Address: 15 Victoria St, Fitzroy, Vic 3065
Phone: (03) 9486 9081
hello.. I was interested to join any short course in art therapy but not longer than 3 month. Could you please send me the information about that. TQ
Rob Gray is also offering a wonderful programme (12 mths, over 10 weekends) in Art Therapy.
Rob is the Co ordinator of Centre for Educational and Clinical Art Therapy. It is a fabulous course, I will be graduating in May this year, and I have gained both personally and professionally from the programme. His web site is and I would encourage anyone interested in a knowledgeable and hands on course to contact Rob. Currently he is operating at Newcastle and Taree in New South Wales in Australia
Hi Nanoya, I saw this course online and wonder if it has any government funding help for this course. Do you know if it does or not. Thank you for any help. Angela
What qualifications do you get with Rob Grey’s course. It doesn’t seem to say on the website.
There is a Diploma in Transpersonal Art Therapy offered by the College of Complementary Medicine in Sydney. It is a fantastic course I highly recommend it!
Hi Naomi,
Is the Diploma at CCMA reputable? I’ve seen some sites say that you need a Masters to qualify as an Art Therapist or have a background in art. Are you able to work as a therapist with just the diploma?
Thanks 🙂
I am an Art & Expressive psychotherapist. I am enjoying your website, and i come from Australia. I completed my degrees in expressive therapy and the master of art therapy at the University of Western Sydney.
I see that i am a pioneer for Art Therapy where I live as it is not as well known as other places in the world and work opportunities are not as prosperous as a result.
It would be fantastic to -in the future – work overseas in an english speaking country, but i’m not sure of the cross-over in terms of getting a job and having particular requirements.
However, I am looking to publish my work and articles and would like some advice on where and how to do so. ADVICE please? I have some ideas but am open to more. Especially those that are in various countries because I want to broaden the awareness as much as possible!!
I hope that you might be able to reply with some useful advice.
I was wondering if you knew of any possible on-line or distance learning for Art Therapy? I want to get my PHD in Psychology (child psychology), and also get an Art Therapy degree. Also, if you happen to know of any schools with the specialization for child psychology? I can’t find seem to that many.
I got a bachelor of arts design in Curtin University in few years ago, I want to know is it possible for directly apply master of art therapy? I don’t have any Psychology degree or background, should I need to study some relative course before? Please give me some advise.
My name is Nyrelle Bade and I am the Secretary for the Australian Creative Arts Therapy Association (ACATA). The Australian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ACATA) is a national, non-profit organisation that maintains professional standards for the practise of creative arts therapies in Australia. ACATA provides professional representation, support and communication networks for its members. ACATA aims to forge links between the creative arts therapies and the broader community.
On our website we have a list of all undergraduate and graduate courses related to Arts Therapies on offer in Australia. If anyone would like any further information about courses in Australia, they are welcome to email me
Hello Nyrelle,
My back ground has been a mixed bag of Arts and too many years working as a chef, I’m over the grind of hospitality now and have been spending time researching what I’m passionate about.
I’m very interested in any information you could help me with. I’m a little confused as I do not know where to start. I have been looking into either the Art therapy or Diversional therapy courses. I can’t seem to find information on the difference between the two. Also I’m thinking of starting with a diploma first. I finished school in 1979 so I’m very rusty with studying.
I have also looked into availability regarding work once I complete the course and have found a few jobs. From your experience and opinion how much work is available.
Kind regards
Ikon Institute do various diplomas. I’m doing Transpersonal Art Therapy over 2 years.. Loves it.
Hi do you know if there is any government funding available and do they do a on line course
Regards Terri
I am wondering what you need to do to qualify for these postgraduate courses. I have a double bachelors in Biochemistry and Psychology, but I focused my later study and early career on the Biochemistry. I would love to retrain and I have an interest in Art Therapy, but am not sure that a ten year old degree with mediocre marks in Psych would qualify me 🙂
Anyone recommend a good starting point?
I’m a social worker who come from Hong Kong and I would like to take a short course on Art Therapy in Australia. I’m keen on drawing and visual art.
I can only offer a week to a month to study in Australia, would you please suggest me some good courses?
Many Many Thanks!
Is there any kind of Art therapy courses available in Adelaide that i could possibily do in future? if anyone could help me with more info..its really appreciated:)..Thank you so much..:)
Hi, Im Felbor, I’m a religious missionary priest from the Phillippines who is very interested in expressive arts therapy, I’m a gradutae of masters of Science in Guidance Counseling and I would like to specialize in this field. Are there any grant or scholarships being offered on this? Will you give me some information on how to avail this kind of offer if there are any?
Ikon Institute run Transpersonal Art Therapy and Transpersonal Counselling Diplomas in South Australia, Western Australia and Brisbane. And Phoenix Institute in Melbourne offer Diplomas and now Advanced Diplomas in Transpersonal Art Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling and now Bachelor Holistic Counselling which includes some creative and art therapy. I haven’t attended these but am exploring my options and they all look good. I’m still not that clear on what you need to get a job in Australia in this field? Whether you need a Masters or Bachelors or? But they look like a good start
I became interested in Art Therapy a few years ago after being a practising visual artist for many years. I decided to study a 2 yr Dip in Art Therapy at Chisholm Institute of Tafe in Melbourne. I absolutely adored the course and am now working doing Art Therapy with people with disablities. At present they are working on creating a Visual Diary containing a wonderful array of projects some of which have come from this website. Thank you.
Hi Jena
Did you find it difficult to gain employment as an art therapist with an advanced diploma? The Chisholm course does seem very interesting.
I look forward to hearing the pros and cons of work with an advanced diploma level
Hi. My name is Sara Asman and I come from Johannesburg in South Africa. I am very keen to study towards an art therapy diploma or course of some sort. In South Africa there are no courses available at all and I was wondering if you knew of any reputable on line courses.
Hello 🙂 this is such a helpful blog to follow as an art therapy student. However, I’d like to update you on the programs listed on your site. I am currently doing the Masters of Mental Health, in Art Therapy at the University of Queensland, and I hear and see programs popping up all of the time- however, this program incorporates psychotherapy, family therapy, community mental health, into art therapy. It’s a 2 yr program for domestic students, and 1.5 years full time for international students (such as myself, from the USA). We graduate having accumulated 800hrs of prac. work as well. I plan on coming back to the US once I’ve graduated and applying for certification, although I may need more hours
anyways, it’s been a great experience. look into it if any of you are searching for overseas study/work experience 🙂
Would You happen to know Erin, if they might be looking at moving this online at all?
I’m in Tasmania and This sounds perfect but I have 3 kids under 5… so moving interstate is not an option.
Hi Erin,
I’m interested in the prigram you’re in at the University of Queensland and am wondering if I can speak with you more about your experience there. I’m an artist and photographer. I have a Bachelor of Fine Art from California College of the Arts. I lived and worked in Australua in 2011 and absolutely love it there! I’ve had an interest in arts therapy for several years and am looking into this program as a new direction in my career. I hope we can connect!
Hi Fitore from Iceland I have BA in Academy of Fine Arts.
I am very interested to study an Art Therapy ,or Transpersonal art therapy diploma or course in Melbourne,but i need help to find good school.
I like this site since all the time someone give some advice.Hope i get one Thanks
Please thoroughly investigate courses before embarking on them.
I studied under the Ikon Institute and found that although some of the content was fascinating, it was a disorganised establishment. The courses are expensive, offer limited student support for an often heavy workload including placement. The course is narrow in scope and practical application as well as there being limited employment oppurtunities for Ikon graduates.
I would recommend studying through established education institutes such as University or TAFE
Thanks for sharing this. I have just started searching for the right Art Therapy Course for me in Australia. I am based in Cairns – so rally need to be studying a course externally and just flying in for intensives and placements etc. It’s seems that most Art Therapy courses at University are only taught on campus – not externally. Have you heard of any University courses that are external?
Hello Everyone,
I currently reside in the U.S. and I am interested in pursuing an art therapy program abroad to an institution in Australia. Does anyone know if the there are art therapy graduate programs in Australia that qualify for an art therapy license in the U.S.? I would also love some insight on cost of living and any other helpful information?
Thanks So Much in advance!
Please note the information you have provided about MIECAT is not accurate. We would be very pleased to provide up to date course information if you email
We are not affiliated with the University of Queensland. We are an accredited (provider no. 5355) not for profit provider of Higher Education Programs. (Provider no. 5355)
Does anyone know of any diploma level art therapy courses that are taking on international students.
I am really interested in training/study of Transpersonal Art Therapy and very impressed with the diploma course on offer at Phoenix Institute in Melbourne. The Institute offers VET-Fee Help and flexible study options. I live in Tasmania and would apply and enroll to study a Transpersonal Art Therapy Diploma such as the one offered by Phoenix but, “alas”, after much enquiry find there is not one institute/college/school in this State of Tasmania giving opportunity for study of the diploma! I look at the courses on offer and invariably they will be in VIC, NSW, QLD, SA, WA but not TAS so this little island state seems to be missing out!! Maybe Ikon or Phoenix will consider the Tassie’ motto and “Explore the Possibilities” to host seminars and introduce these courses to Hobart and Launceston, in particular. I hope someone recognises
Hi Rose, I’m in Hobart & looking for the same thing! Please let me know if you have found anything else 🙂
Yes I’m also in Tasi looking for course in art therapy,
I am really interested in training/study of Transpersonal Art Therapy and very impressed with the diploma course on offer at Phoenix Institute in Melbourne. The Institute offers VET-Fee Help and flexible study options. I live in Tasmania and would apply and enroll to study a Transpersonal Art Therapy Diploma such as the one offered by Phoenix but, “alas”, after much enquiry find there is not one institute/college/school in this State of Tasmania giving opportunity for study of the diploma! I look at the courses on offer and invariably they will be in VIC, NSW, QLD, SA, WA but not TAS so this little island state seems to be missing out!! Maybe Ikon or Phoenix will consider the Tassie’ motto and “Explore the Possibilities” to host seminars and introduce these courses to Hobart, in particular. Perhaps a course provider of Ikon or Phoenix calibre would consider “Exploring” and come to a Tasmanian Venue to assess and gauge our expressions of interest!!
As Town Crier said, be very wary and thoroughly explore your options. I too commenced a Transpersonal Art Therapy Diploma at Ikon Institute (aka Phoenix). It was a dreadful experience and I was not alone amongst my fellow students. Poorly organised and lacking in student support. Students are often ‘thrown in the deep end’ right at the beginning during student to student practical exercises with some heavy issues being explored and little supervision or debrief. Very different to the conduct of counselling units at University which are carefully supervised and debriefed. They charge over $13,000 for the two year course and even charge for students to do basic study skills workshops…Very profit orientated. I would not recommend this provider. Sadly, I have not found an alternative as I am in Adelaide and need to study off campus. Still thoroughly keen….:(
Hi Leanne,
Will yo be able to work as an art therapist with the 2 years Ikon Institute course. I too live in Adelaide… It seems there are no options to study externally or internally. Have you found a suitable internal university course here?
As previous posts have mentioned, the Queensland information is inaccurate. The University of Queensland has offered a Masters of Mental Health, specialising in Art Therapy, since 2004, and I endorse Erin’s comments, above. I have lectured on this program since it was established. This program allows graduates to become Registered Art Therapists in Australia (and possibly elsewhere – yet to be tested).
Post-graduate Masters level training is the required professional level of training to become an art therapist world wide. The usual prerequisites are: an undergraduate visual art degree/other relevant degree, relevant experience of 1-2 years (in welfare field) and ongoing art practice. Our students are also required to have basic counselling skills training, and preferably some experience of personal therapy, prior to enrolling.
I am just wondering, Claire, what kind of pre-requisite course would constitute as “basic counselling skills training”. I don’t have a counselling background, neither do I have 1-2 years experience in the welfare field, yet I am interested in a career as an Art Therapist. I do have a Degree in Visual Art (Uni Sydney) and a Postgrad Dip Secondary Teaching and Postgrad Cert. Early Years Education. I’m also currently completing a Dip.Early Childhood (0-5 yrs). I don’t want to spend the next 20 years studying to achieve a recognised Art Therapy qualification if I can avoid it. I have recently completed a one day introductory workshop with Ikon and the instructor was experienced, knowledgeable, well-organised and passionate, but reading all of the negative comments about Ikon above has me worried about enrolling in one of their courses I am sorry to say.
was looking for comments re: Ikon’s transpersonal art therapy vs a psych based degree in art therapy. Was a little disturbed at the negative comments in some postings but felt a little better when reading the last 5 postings UNTIL I realised they were all posted one after the other. What are the odds of 5 different people posting very positive views within 8 minutes given that postings are usually weeks or months apart on this forum. Looks sus to me..
Could the the administrators verify the email addresses associated, if not I would suggest the postings are removed.
@Craig, We suspect you are right, investigated and removed those comments. Thanks for noticing!
whatever you do, don’t study at the Ikon Institute. It’s an airy fairy sham! Study at Uni or TAFE.
Sorry Craig, they were all recently received, ‘real’ testimonials that I added. Art Therapy team – would it please be possible to have our contact details updated?
I have almost completed a Certificate in Art Therapy through Rob Gray’s Centre for Educational Art Therapy. I have done it on line using skye and loving it so much, I am thinking of what next? Masters perhaps? Can you help?
You will need an undergraduate degree at minimum. Some Uni’s will require experience in the creative arts field and also in welfare. You will not be able to do a Masters online. There are very limited universities that offer a Masters in Art Therapy look at the ANZATA website to find them. I’m not sure if the time and cost of a Masters is worthwhile as Art Therapy is not held in the same esteem in Australia as in other countries.
I am currently studying an Advanced Diploma in Art Therapy at Ikon institute in Glenelg SA and I am really struggling with it (currently on module 3 out of 12). I find a lot of the framework really airy fairy (best way to describe it) and its difficult to relate to some of the concepts such as the shamanic model and Apollo and Dionysus modules. I feel we would benefit more from learning the basic counselling skills required to support people undergoing personal development and confronting issues from their past.. I do love the practical work but there is no support for when dealing with the personal issues that arise whilst undertaking the experiential’s-often leaving many of the students (myself included) quite distraught. I would love to undertake a degree with one of the universities in art therapy but can not move my family to Melbourne or Sydney.
What I would like to know if anyone can advise me, can I practice as an Art Therapist in Australia with only an advanced Diploma? Or am I wasting my time? Is there any employment opportunities in Australia without a masters? I keep getting vague answers and don’t want to spend $14,000 on something that won’t benefit my career. Maybe better focusing on a degree in social work instead!!! Any advise appreciated.
Jodie…Your experience is exactly why I did not continue with the course at Ikon. The qualification is not recognised by ANZATA (Australian and New Zealand Arts Therapy Association), who only recognise specific courses and qualifications ( ). Ikon qualifications are only recognised by the Australian Creative Arts Therapies Association. The implications for this are for you to decide. I have a Master’s degree from a University in another field and can only say that the Transpersonal Art Therapy AD left a lot to be desired. I got out of there real quick! My view is that this a VERY expensive personal development course at best, in career terms that is. In that sense, it has many attributes, but I would be having a VERY careful think about whether it will be $14,000 well spent in professional terms…All the very best, Leeanne.
Thanks Leeanne, I have a lot to think about. I will do a bit of research on ANZATA and ACATA to see what they say on the subject. It’s very worrying that ANZATA don’t recognise this qualification. Ill let you know what I find out. Thanks again for the advice.
Studying the Transpersonal Counselling course at IKON Institute was a life enriching experience for me. It helped me consolidate my previous training and experience, and has improved my business, and expanded my opportunities in many aspects of my life. It has assisted me to step into a deeper and more meaningful career, and has helped me create a more professional approach.
I have really appreciated the skills gained, and experience of TPC at IKON, not to mention the added benefit of the personal journey, and friendships gained along the way.
I’d recommend Transpersonal Counselling at IKON to anyone wanting to gain a personally and professionally enriching experience which goes beyond just a counselling course, into expansion, challenge and interest that promotes true growth.
Thanks Tanya, it’s reassuring to hear a positive experience about Ikon and their AT diploma. So I gather you are able to practice as an Art Therapist with only an Advanced Diploma? Can you give me an indication of how much regular work you get as an Art Therapist? I can’t afford the time nor money for this to be a 2 year self development course. I really love the way the art can give freedom and greater understanding of peoples past and self awareness, but do enough people understand it that it can create an income. I don’t have a counseling background or qualification. I would really appreciate your thoughts. Thanks
hi everyone, thinking to become an art therapist. i have a visual arts undergraduate degree and looking at some further training. BUT are there jobs out there? I believe Edith Cowan university stopped its course in perth as there were no jobs. who’s getting paid?
Hi There, I am a practicing Art Therapist who has both studied the course at Ikon and now teaches the current Advanced Diploma. I ran my own business as an Art Therapist from 2009 and last year (2013) began my role as Senior Art Therapist at Connected Self. I have full time work and am currently generating more than I can manage to do at the moment. There is definitely work out there if you are prepared to work hard to establish yourself and also use the networks you have or are able to develop. Sometimes it might mean working in a role that is not specifically “art therapist” but where you can use your art therapy skills in the role and expose the community to art therapy as a profession. It is important to note that Ikon require all students to undertake a commitment to their own counselling whilst studying to ensure that they are adequately supported and dealing with personal issues as they arise. It is a course that will challenge you personally because it is intended to prepare students to be safe and ethical practitioners. Students can opt to see an Art Therapist or Counsellor of their choice. Staff at Ikon are committed to supporting students and provide a safe learning environment. It is an adult learning space and students are encouraged to seek the support that they need and raise issues of concern with their trainers. Like any course and any job it is up to the individual to make it work. All the best to those who are pursuing a career in this field it is extremely rewarding, never boring and a wonderful privilege to share creatively in peoples lives.
Do Ikon courses include any practical element? I am currently teaching art at a public primary school in the East Kimberley. I’m looking to study art therapy online and working part time.
Charles Darwin University just released released a grad dip in creative therapies mid year. I love that they have an Aboriginal therapy aspect to the course outline, particularly as that would be the majority of the kids that I teach.
But I’m worried about the practical element, because I think that’s really important to have more than just the theoretical base. Are there any art therapy Masters courses available online that you know off?
It’s early days since recently graduating…I’m gently continuing with personal learning in this field, having fallen in love with transpersonal studies and art therapy. The IKON experience has enriched my life. I hope (most humbly) to engage with others personally and professionally in ways that help reconnect people with themselves, others and the worlds to which we all belong.
Sadly, I agree with Town Crier, Kon, Leanne and Jodie re IKON Institute. My view? Avoid at all costs. What an absolute disgrace. I found them to be evasive, deceptive, unsupportive and all about the money (ie, you get all the customer service and bells and whistles upon registering but once they have your money they wont respond to calls/emails/complaints/issues or negotiate reasonable solutions AND charge extra fees for supervised study groups) ; no student support (they will tell you there is, but the truth of the matter is that this is a huge long standing issue that Ikon refuses to address) ; very poorly organised and provisioned ; study guides and exercises that dont work alongside the coursework; and not a fully professionally recognised qualification. Their premises are also impossibly suited to the purpose, with poor access and parking for people with a disability (or those with conditions that make it impossible to use public transport). As the only provider in Brisbane it is disappointing that they conduct themselves in such a manner and clearly do only what is in their own interests. I have personally met/talked with over 50 graduates/students of this course who (sadly) share my experience and point of view. Most graduates I have spoken to complete the course with the realisation that they will never get a job out of it (unless their current work provides opportunities to do so), and will only use it for personal development. I know of only 2 Ikon graduates who actively work as Art Therapists in the Mental Health sector. The only upsides are that you can charge the excessive tuition costs to Fee-Help ; and that it is VET approved. Dont buy the sales pitch. And dont waste your money. Sad but true.
Thanks for your info Nella. Hearing too many bad thugs about this place. X
Hi. I am living in Hobart Tasmania and am trying to find courses on Art Therapy. Could you lead me in the right direction. Thank you
Kind regards Robbie Hamilton
Hello, I am not sure whether you will reply to this message, I hope you do, here goes, I shall write it.
I would like to study art therapy. I ask do you know how a person can become a qualified art therapist? I live in Adelaide South Australia. There is IKon who teach classes here, but the venue they teach in is up 3 flights of stairs, it isn’t accessible for me, as I walk with a stick.
I look forward to your reply.
Kind regards
Wow what fantastic advice and opinions. I live in country south australia and work as an art teacher and counsellor at a local high school. I am planning to embark on an art therapy course with robert gray in nsw as it seems like an online course that is well recognized and achievable online from my remote location. I looked into theikon institute in adelaide…..I am glad I did not pursue it in line with some of the comments I have read here. I will travel to sydney in march to attend the introductory course befor starting the online course. Any advice or suggestions from someone that may have done this would be much appreciated. I work with aboriginal students and their families a lot of the work we do explores identity, self, community and grief through art…..I am so looking forward to developing my skills so we can all work and live harmoniously together xxx
Hi Wanda. I would be VERY interested to know how you go with Rob Gray’s course. Despite a negative experience with Ikon as outlined above, I still have a strong desire to pursue Art therapy. I am a registered teacher with specialisation in Spec Ed and see so much application for it but am unable to relocate to another state for this. I am in metro Adelaide. Please keep updating as I’m keen to know whether to go with the Gray course 🙂
Very best,
Leeanne x
Hi….I am over half way through the course with Rob Gray at CEACAT and it’s reaaly good. Rob is a very informative teacher and the readings as well as the extra reading I have been doing has turned the lights on in my brain and reinforced what I have always known about the healing qualities of art and counselling. I am looking forward to the next module…..Highly recommended.
Hi Wanda
Is this certificate course from Rob’s college allow you to approved ‘service Provider’s for NDIS in Australia?
Where else are the job opportunities?
Appreciate your response.
hello-need advice urgently I have attend in fo evening at Phoenix, attended interview but still have not received any notification of whether i have been accepted, despite regular calls and emails enquiring.. I would like to know if anyone has studied to be an Art therapis online, distance ed, and whteher this was a viable option. Also is the complementary medicine college course recognised to start your own business as an art therapist?
I understand that IKON and Phoenix in Melbourne are linked in some way and appear to have similar websites and courses. I am concerned to read about the negative comments related to IKON and the accreditation of their qualifications. Does anyone have any experience of Phoenix, studying either Transpersonal Art Therapy or Transpersonal Counselling? Does Phoenix suffer from the same issues as IKON?
hello did any one study transpersonal psychology with complementary medicine college in Australia??
I’m currently studying Transpersonal Art Therapy at CCM and my only advice is that you should research any course before you start, then you won’t waste your money. That’s what I did and I’m very happy with the course. Sometimes I’d like more student support but I eventually get what I need. At the outset, we were told what stresses may occur and it is a requirement that we are in counselling to work through arising issues. I do think it’s of benefit to have a background in counselling or similar (mine is social work), but the transpersonal counselling course is valuable. If you are interested in reiki, kinesiology, meditation, shamanic processes, etc, then you won’t find the course “airy fairy”, as has been suggested.
I recently finished studying with Ikon in Perth, Transpersonal Art Therapy 2 years. If you are really serious about getting a job in Art Therapy then do a masters, you will increase your chance ten fold if you get a masters instead of a Dip or Adv. Dip. Ikon does not offer a Masters in Art Therapy.
I found Ikon Institute to be a great experience in first year which I found to be more personal growth based and gentle but were very inept at delivering a solid, coherent, congruent second year when the work load substantially increased for students and Ikon struggled to deliver it clearly and professionally. The ‘ground’ of Ikon was very shaky, something I have never experienced before in tertiary education to this degree. Most of the facilitators were doing their best at facilitating however I got the strong sense that there was extremely poor communication within the organisation and a system that is very clunky and ad hock.
I do hope that Ikon can become more professional, self reflective, transparent and offer a service and experience that is rewarding and positively memorable in the future. I certainly wont be recommending them to anyone. I must say though that the course material (Ralph Locke’s) is fantastic however the student module books are out dated in that they do not follow the module delivery and schedule, it was very askew.
I do have to mention that they have employed this year a Councillor for students, to support them through, which is a good move but overall Ikon needs a huge overhaul. For an institute that delivers Transpersonal vocation, they would really benefit immensely from doing transpersonal ‘work’ within and on the organisation. The experience for me in the second year was that I was a number and a money earner for them. The immediate Perth staff were mostly doing their best in what is a poor establishment and I give gratitude to most of them for their efforts.
I write this to inform anyone who wishes to study to make an informed decision, unlike me who didn’t do their research before committing. This is not to say that other students didn’t have a positive experience, however they are few and far between. So if you still feel compelled to study at Ikon… then go in eyes wide open. – Namaste.
I pulled out of the Ikon course a day after I got the required reading book. What a load of waffle. Nothing is underpinned with any theory, just opinion and garbage about dreams and shamans. I want real learning not I interpretive dance and people sharing all their traumas in class. And it is not recognised by anyone. I hate their location in Pymble, miles away from the train station so that if you don’t have car you have to walk alone at night down the empty, darkened road.
Hi, was this IKON or a different college? IKON doesn’t have a campus in Pymble.
Hi, I am currently on a working holiday visa in Australia however I love the place so much that I want to stay & there is more variety & opportunity of Art Therapy courses here than at home. So far I completed a degree in interior design & a diploma in psychology, psychoanalysis & psychotherapy, I was wondering could anyone point me in the right direction of the best course I should take please?
I am a social worker who is interested in Art Therapy. I was just wondering how the job market is for art therapists. I met someone who did Art Therapy many years back and she said that there’s hardly any work. 🙁 This is making me think twice. Should I follow my heart or my pocket? Decisions….
This is my experience too! I’m a social worker wanting to train in it
I am a Art therapist and Psychologist from India Bangalore, Want to know about Robert Gray online course on Art therapy. Does it gives a masters degree.
I’m a lecturer in teacher training institute in Malaysia. I’ve a PHD in Counseling Psychology. I’m very interested to do PHD in Expressive Therapy. I’ve attended a short workshop conducted by Mark Pearson and also by Counselior Association of Malaysia(PERKAMA). Do you have any programme for PHD level? If you do what are the curriculum structure and the fees for international students.
Hope to hear from you soon
The Phoenix Insitute has been struck off by the consumer watchdog for unethical practises in targeting disadvantaged poeple.Read up about it. If Ikon is linked it won’t be long before they are investigated.