We thought these 2 finger paintings were pretty amazing and decided to share them with you. What’s cool about them is, that there were more than just 10 fingers painting on these canvases. We love seeing such large projects like this and throwing in the social awareness aspect makes it even better.
Over 30,000 fingers later:

A picture of the world’s largest finger painting. Over 22,000 square feet.
Photo Credit: Western District, Hong Kong Police
This first one appears to hold the Guinnes World Record for Largest Finger Painting in the world and was completed in Hong Kong, China on November, 26, 2009. The participants were 3, 242 primary and secondary school students. For those that are counting, that’s 32,420 fingers (or 25,936 fingers and 6,484 thumbs). The painting event was put together by the Organising Committee of Anti Youth Drug Abuse Campaign. The painting was created by combining individually-painted pieces of canvas. The painting contains the slogan “Not Now, Not Ever, Say No to Drugs” in Chinese and English. It measured approximately 22,619 square feet.
Over 2,000 fingers later:

A picture of the largest finger painting in India. Approximately 14,000 square feet.
Photo Credit: AP Photo/Ajit Solanki
This second one was done around the same time, but was completed in Ahmedabad, India on Thursday, December 3, 2009. The participants for this painting consisted of over 200 people with physical challenges and was done to mark International Day of Persons with Disabilities. That’s over 2,000 fingers (or 1600 fingers and 400 thumbs). Amazing!
It’s always so very good to hear and see, good works taking place around the world. Art has a way of changing, “Everything”! Humanity needs to find ways, to let more in. Thanks for the good news!
Wonderfully inspiring!
it’s a surprise to me………………
Amazing ….i dared to get involved
What was the most special part of these paintings? To me it was the unity. The people were unified as well as the enormous painting. All the pieces fit together perfectly.
How amazing is this! I would love to be a part of something this involved.