This is the last installment of our color therapy series: Psychological Effects of Color. You can read the previous installments: Color Therapy & Healing, Color Meanings & Symbolism, and download our free Color Meaning & Symbolism Charts. For this last installment, we will be exploring the following topics:
1. What is Color Psychology?
2. Applying Color Psychology to Everday Life
3. Psychological Effects of Cool Colors
4. Psychological Effects of Warm Colors
5. Pyschology of Color for Marketing & Advertising
6. Common Psychological Effects of Colors
What is Color Psychology?
The psychology of color is based on the mental and emotional effects colors have on sighted people in all facets of life. There are some very subjective pieces to color psychology as well as some more accepted and proven elements. Keep in mind, that there will also be variations in interpretation, meaning, and perception between different cultures.
Applying Color Psychology to Everday Life
Did you know your surroundings may be influencing your emotions and state of mind? Do you ever notice that certain places especially irritate you? Or that certain places are especially relaxing and calming? Well, there’s a good chance that the colors in those spaces are playing a part.
In art therapy, color is often associated with a person’s emotions. Color may also influence a person’s mental or physical state. For example, studies have shown that some people looking at the color red resulted in an increased heart rate, which then led to additional adrenaline being pumped into the blood stream. You can learn more about how color therapy works and how light and color might affect us.
There are also commonly noted psychological effects of color as it relates to two main categories: warm and cool. Warm colors – such as red, yellow and orange – can spark a variety of emotions ranging from comfort and warmth to hostility and anger. Cool colors – such as green, blue and purple – often spark feelings of calmness as well as sadness.
The concepts of color psychology can also be applied in everyday life. For example, maybe you’re planning on re-painting your walls or redecorating a house or room with a new color scheme. Well, you might want to consider some of these suggestions about colors and how they might affect your emotions and mood:
Psychological Effects of Cool Colors
Need to be creative? Want help getting those brain synapses firing? Try utilizing the color purple. Purple utilizes both red and blue to provide a nice balance between stimulation and serenity that is supposed to encourage creativity. Light purple is said to result in a peaceful surrounding, thus relieving tension. These could be great colors for a home or business office.
Are you looking for a peaceful and calming environment? You might consider using green and/or blue. These cool colors are typically considered restful. There is actually a bit of scientific logic applied to this – because the eye focuses the color green directly on the retina, it is said to be less strainful on your eye muscles.
The color blue is suggested for high-traffic rooms or rooms that you or other people will spend significant amounts of time. Another cool color, blue is typically a calming and serene color, said to decrease respiration and lower blood pressure. The bedroom is a great place to use these colors as they should help you relax.
Psychological Effects of Warm Colors
Want to create an environment of stimulation or whet people’s appetite? You might consider utilizing the colors yellow or orange. These colors are often associated with food and can cause your tummy to growl a little. Have you ever wondered why so many restaurants use these colors? Now you know why even after people watched the movie SuperSize Me, they said they were hungry.
You do want to be careful about using bright colors like orange and especially yellow. They reflect more light and excessively stimulate a person’s eyes which can lead to irritation. You also probably don’t want to paint your dining room or kitchen these colors if you’re a calorie-counter.
Pyschology of Color for Marketing & Advertising
Marketing and advertising are well-known for utilizing color psychology. The fact that some companies have heavily invested in this type of research and many others have followed through in its use shows they have at enough belief in the concepts of color psychology to implement them in their advertising.
Color is consistently used in an attempt to make people hungry, associate a positive or negative tone, encourage trust, feelings of calmness or energy, and countless other ways.
Most marketing and advertising executives will likely agree that there are benefits to understanding and utilizing the psychological effects of colors. Now let’s take a look at some of the more common traits of color psychology, by some common colors.
Common Psychological Effects of Colors
The following are some common psychological effects of colors in the Western Hemisphere. You can also review the following pages for a more comprehensive list of color meanings and symbolism, including some charts we’ve created that you can download or embed on your site.
Keep in mind that certain shades or tones may result in very different meanings. Also, the context around the color, and even surrounding colors, can have an effect. Think of this as more of a beginning guide to color psychology.
Color Psychology: The Color White
- purity
- innocence
- cleanliness
- sense of space
- neutrality
- mourning (in some cultures/societies)
Color Psychology: The Color Black
- authority
- power
- strength
- evil
- intelligence
- thinning / slimming
- death or mourning
Color Psychology: The Color Gray
- neutral
- timeless
- practical
Color Psychology: The Color Red
- love
- romance
- gentle
- warmth
- comfort
- energy
- excitement
- intensity
- life
- blood
Color Psychology: The Color Orange
- happy
- energetic
- excitement
- enthusiasm
- warmth
- wealth prosperity
- sophistication
- change
- stimulation
Color Psychology: The Color Yellow
- happiness
- laughter
- cheery
- warmth
- optimism
- hunger
- intensity
- frustration
- anger
- attention-getting
Color Psychology: The Color Green
- natural
- cool
- growth
- money
- health
- envy
- tranquility
- harmony
- calmness
- fertility
Color Psychology: The Color Blue
- calmness
- serenity
- cold
- uncaring
- wisdom
- loyalty
- truth
- focused
- un-appetizing
Color Psychology: The Color Purple
- royalty
- wealth
- sophistication
- wisdom
- exotic
- spiritual
- prosperity
- respect
- mystery
Color Psychology: The Color Brown
- reliability
- stability
- friendship
- sadness
- warmth
- comfort
- security
- natural
- organic
- mourning (in some cultures/societies)
Color Psychology: The Color Pink
- romance
- love
- gentle
- calming
- agitation
Am currently studying colour. It is very useful information
Very interesting and thanks for info.
One of my clients today became a little sad painting , i am sure it was the color he was working with.
turquoise color?//////////
Blues family
Great series on color! Really enjoyed the way you presented it, and especially liked the color charts!
Thank you!
Your client became a little sad paint? How did your client turn into a painting? This is far more interesting than the study of color…
She meant “while” he was painting he became a little sad because he was painting with one of the colors that cause sadness
OMG this comment made me crack up!
this tells me nothing really about low blood pressure and rthe color blue
Nice! Very interesting.
Inspiring website, keep up the awesome work!
Interesting… The color psychology really matches my friend’s and my actions and feeling. Very inspiring…
who wrote this? its so amazing
“Alexandru Darida Master of color video
Darida’s art is organic ,distinguished,forward-looking style”
Sarah Seamark Editor in Chief -Art World News
The color psychology is extrimly complex Thank you for decoding it. Color connects us to our own higher
when did sarah seamark write this?
Hallo, leuke website. Fijn deze site gevonden te hebben. Doe zo verder zou ik zeggen.
Krijg je veel bezoekers naar jou blog ?
Wij hebben zelf ook een leuke website met een webshop eraan gekoppeld.
We leveren personaliseerbare promotietools & decoratieve elementen aan kapsalons, wellness centers en andere beauty
I am currently writing my speech for school on colour physchology – there is sooo much cool and interesting information that i don’t know what 2 do..
Thanks for the awesome info!!!
Sarah Seamark wrote few articols about Alexandru
Darida -Master of color, one of them is in Art world News May 2008
Sarah Seamark Editor in Chief Art World News
thank you very much on the info bout the psychological and effects of colors,,,more power and God bless…
Colour speaks to us all.It was meant to, by the greatest Power(s)in creation.How we channel,instruct, and communicate what we learn is suspect but the good news is I’m developing a communication model using colour, sound,and signing to change the fundamental way we understand ourselves and our perceptions of the world around us. We are so much more than what we have been taught& trained to be! I loved your site-info!
Sincerely, ~T.
Thank u so much this article helped me a lot in my research 😀
i in love with the great work done here because am currently writing my final year project on colour pschology and it helping me a lot thanks 🙂
thanks for this color physiologic definition and explanation please up load more information about color thanks .
In the last week, I have drawn two tumultous storms with big ships in them. Both black and white. Yesterday I drew a beautiful house in color, all neat and tidy and in order. Color isn’t the only part of the psychology. My house drawing actually showed me where my life still needs work, where I was calm and happy, and what might still be problematic. I like this website, but could use more. Is there a phsychology of art subject matter? Or is that just a given in this field. I’m not an artist, I just like to doodle. I’m a musician by trade, which doesn’t seem to be as “forth-telling” as art.
there’s more than meets the eye , reactions are split second as are some moods , mktg uses this info so we are wise to review all the above, and make the world or home a more livable place
I am working on a (sort of) difficult project about colors and emotions and this site has been a great help in understanding things.Hats off to the maker , IT IS GREAT.
first of all i wish to thank u coz today i can feel secured ,,coz i collected every look n corner of my project…. Every thing is possible wen v r together
COLOUR is a feeling ,may be its a gift of god to make his creatures satisfy his/her feeling by just seeing some thing special,,,, and interpret differently towards a same thing according to its wish
here i again thank u and let god shower blessing on u
I think use of color can be very revealing as to the inner workings of the individual’s psychology whether the individual had intended that particular outcome or not. There are always two sides to every story and philosophy and sometimes many more. We don’t know it all or even some of it but why be afraid to explore the concepts?
Although we come from a technology background, “UX” (user experience) is everything these days when it comes to customer engagement. If the colors of the website are off, or do not speak to the consumer, the visitor will most likely bounce from the website they are reviewing.
The psychological aspect to this happens in a split second. It is amazing the intuition that the brain has within a split second of seeing something, whether or not it agrees with the persons decision making skill or not.
Very cool list of psychological effects. I’m bookmarking this page!
Thanks for the article, it has helped me with my research.
Not enough nuance For instance, there are many shades of blue and green, and combinations. I tend to
be drawn to colors that are not primary, ie deep teal, aqua, burnt red. I detest lavendar and most yellows (avoid yellow flowers in bouquets) . Much of it has to do with the colors that look good on me! I think color preference is highly personal and can’t be categorized quite so neatly.
Thank you so much for this 🙂 I can use some of the information and site you in my future post in my own blog (
Do you believe that being in a certain color room for a long time can permanently affect our mood?
I ran a centre for Alzheimer’s sufferers – the centre was created using colour theory, orange and purple in the dining room, blue and green in the quiet room and sunny yellow in the art room. It was a bright cheerful place to be.
Good reading and usefull information. Something i can use i setting up the colour on my webshop
very helpful information. I’m learning about color therapy.
Firstly I really enjoyed the article.
What impact do you think colour has on the buying decision? I’m working on an online emotive content marketing tool and would love to find out your thoughts.
Thank you,
It’s likely one of many factors that can help or hinder a purchase. There are likely many (or few) conscious and sub-conscious calculations that occur depending on what’s being purchased, the person’s history, etc.
I don’t understand why I love my navy blue living room wall but would never buy a navy blue car. I would never assessorize a room with red but I love my red bedroom walls. I like lime green and sage green but not bright green or pine green ( apart from when it’s a tree!) I feel very low if I’m surrounded by colours I dislike. Complicated subject!
Hello, I am very new to this but extremely interested in beginning the journey to becoming an art therapist and have loved reading this blog. Please forgive me if this question has already been answered but I was curious to know if non-sighted people were affected in the same way as sighted people when it comes to colour and light therapy? Thank you
Hello Can Art coloring and coloring style be used to predict future interest or Career of an Autistic teenager. I have an autistic teenager that I am trying to guess which area of future career that I can help prepare for. He’s currently clueless as to what he wants to do in Life. Thanks.
Very useful article. I will be using the precepts and concepts shown in a future class on desktop publishing.
This information was interesting and useful. It was very helpful in my research.
I found this information very useful. I am currently working on something to do with color psychology and the was very useful information, Thank you!!
I took a color theory course back in 2001 using Color-aid cards. We had an assignment to pick two opposing emotions and represent them using all shades and tints of color opposites. I chose happy/sad using yellow and violet. While my sad was spot on, my happy was not obvious. I noticed the class had good results for negative emotions, but positive emotions were very difficult to portray.
I am currently doing a color project in school and i feel this was the most useful information i could find that would help me…Good Job!
You should write an article about color association. I myself associate colors to people, emotions, subjects, and the first few numbers, subconciously(pardon the misspelling I coudn’t figure it out). It took me a while to realize I do this. I probably associate more things that I don’t realize. I would be interested to learn more about this.
I’ve read quite a bit about color psychology. Sometimes, I was seeking advice for the best colors for clinics and hospital rooms. My conclusion is that color psychology is like astrology. A person reads horoscopes and finds one that seems to fit himself or someone else. “Wow! This astronlogy is really great.” Except that the descriptions are vague and fit about one-fourth of people. Many horoscope readers ignore the three-fourths of the time when the horoscope is wrong. Color psychology is similar.
A color psychology example is gray: neutral, timeless, practical. Other choices I’ve read about or experienced: boredom, confusion (in a fog), hopelessness, unanchored morally and ethically (nothing is even close to black and white), and depression or despair (Warning: Anecdotes ahead. Have you ever stayed in a poorly lit room with gray walls, gray floor, and an off-white ceiling? I have, and it was awful. I felt as if I were in a tomb. Another anecdote: My uncle served on Los Angeles class subs that carried twenty-four H-bomb missles. The subs stayed underwater six months at a time. The Navy soon realized that having mostly gray walls, floors, and ceilings promoted depression. Having a variety of plain colors (no pastels, no shocking colors, white was OK) helped. The Navy had to experiment to avoid colors that looked horrid under red light conditions, though those were infrequent for missile subs)
My experience shows that color preferences for the environment are greatly affected by exposure time. For example, a huge variety of colors will work for a waiting room where wait times are short. Much fewer colors work in a hospital room. The standard wisdom is to use pastels in “cool” colors (blues and greens) or warm colors (yellows and oranges). The only agreement I’ve seen in articles about this topic is to avoid reds.
The effects of clothing colors vary with exposure time, degree or exposure, and expectations. For example, a young doctor on rounds wears an electric blue tie that goes well with his other clothes. Most patients won’t be bothered by the electric blue color if the encounter is only a few minutes. Some patients are bothered if the exposure is longer. Some patients will be turned off by a male doctor who wears a pink shirt. The same pink shirt on a female doctor is fine.
The reality is that color psychology advice is worthless unless it focuses on particular circumstances: rooms versus public spaces, TV personalities versus lawyers, two minutes exposure versus two weeks exposure, the color in question covering five percent of the environment or the person versus fifty percent. Even with narrowly focused articles, the results vary greatly. Look up recommended colors for home bedrooms and you’ll see what I mean.
I’m an Architecture Student and Yeah it’s very helpful.!!!
Color psychology is very informative because of we have to apply day to day life.
What I know is that red sometimes causes anger while yellow is for warmth and calmness but it is the opposite here. I’m confused???
I plan to use this as a back to school get to know colors activity with my students.
Wow!! No wonder I don’t have steady emotions.
My room has 4 colours (blue,green,Orange and pink)????
Which colour is suitable for studying students
Red colors can mean love, warmth, comfort, hostility, and anger. That tells you pretty much everything you need to know about “color theory.”
As a bereaved mom and as an artist I am very interested in art therapy to better cope with feels of grief. I did not know that color therapy has its place in all this. Thank you for posting this article.