Hill Haven, a nursing care facility in New York, is just another example of how art therapy is being utilized to help people heal.
A recent story explains how the residents at Hill Haven have embraced art as therapy. The art therapist encourages the people poor their feelings onto the paper. One resident, Pat Roberts, uses art therapy to help heal a past that includes losing a mom and an uncle to head-on car crashes with drunk drivers.
Depression and anxiety often occur when there has been a drastic change in a person’s life. Art therapy helps to relieve these feelings.
Their sessions have also managed to uncover some hidden talent and passion. Residents Elijah Williams and June Tenney won a state art competition.
Some encouraging quotes from the story:
“I always dream about my husband and the good times we had, and especially that we had just finished our 50th wedding anniversary. It makes me very relaxed. I was in very bad shape before I started. I couldn’t stand another year of it and I’ve been here four years.”
– The creative environment has given Connie Coppola the strength to carry on.“They look forward to her visits when before they never looked forward to anything. And they look forward to her coming. It really has made a difference in their lives.”
– Tanya Sergeant, nurse manager.
This is “great” thank you! I would really like to share this & others, but I tried & it keeps saying the page can not be found I hope you can figure out what the problem is.
Art is my work and life,how empty it would be without it.Please visit my website and send me a Email please.
This has been really helpful I’m doing my cert 3 in aged and community care and I would love to know what other disorders, diseases and disabilities art therapy can help with ???