Just wanted to give my loyal readers a heads up that I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth! It’s been a little hectic this summer including a grandmother potentially passing away, family visiting, and various other going-ons. Anyhow, I haven’t been able to post as much as I would like, but I assure you I’ll be posting something very soon. I’ve got a few ideas, but if there’s anything that you all would like me to write about, please leave a comment below. More art therapy activities? Any particular topics? Want to see more artwork? Anything else? Let me know if there are any special requests!
Thank you for supporting art therapy!
I work in a University setting (in the Counseling Center) and I get requests all of the time to do art therapy experiential workshops for the faculty/staff. I would love to explore some new/fresh ideas for art therapy experiences for that audience. Usually the theme is basic self exploration, team building, setting personal and professional goals, finding balance and stress management. Any thoughts?
Ronda Purdy
Thanks for the comment Ronda…So, you’re looking for an idea that focuses on something experiential, yet different from the themes you listed? Or along the same lines of the themes you listed?
I am 70 and in a wheelchair and suffer much pain with arthritis in my spine and hips and the pain of veinous insufficency in my legs. I have found that if I color mandalas it takes my mind off of the pain and I also create beautiful mandalas. I use colored pencils.
I also play the piano and music helps pain so much. Music is very healing.
Thank you for these other great ideas to deal with pain.
@Alice, I’m sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. On the other hand, I wish you continued relief through your art and music. Thank you for stopping by and sharing 🙂