Angela Harrison originally left these comments on the site, but I thought they deserved to be shared and thusly their own post. There’s a few comments, but I thought they were very moving. Enjoy, and thank you Angela for sharing your story with us.
Comment About Painting, Art Therapy, & Osteoarthritis
Today I happened to find out more about Art Therapy and it really fascinates me. I have been interested in Art most of all my Life, but since contracting Osteo Arthritis in 2000, Painting has become one of the essential remedies in counteracting PAIN! Let me tell you just what happened.
I woke up one day, really stiff, could hardly get out of bed, then progressively it worsened, and I was almost bedridden, and confined to sitting in a chair. From being very agile, and a “busy bee” in life, I was reduced to becoming an Ice Block overnight!. I became cold too, it was frightening indeed!
Well, after visiting my GP, and getting some X Rays taken, I was beginning to recognize that “Is this a figment of my imagination”, OR “Is this a physical disease!” I was wrong. A few days after the results came back to my doctor, I was informed that this illness was a condition, early stages of Osteo Arthritis.
One evening, at about eight pm, I was feeling very cold and numb, I turned and gazed at a portrait photo of my father, playing Golf. He always used to say that Golf was a game of Wit, and it made him keep “The Ball rolling”, in other words “It kept him moving”. Something in myself felt as though an area had “Shut Down”. I had been through alot of shock and tension from a past experience, and was beginning to think that a lump of tension was blocking in my mind, and thus my joints started to seize up.
Strange as it may seem, after gazing into my father`s eyes, I remembered a Children`s Story I had written some years ago, called The Snow Child, so I dragged it out of a suitcase, and started to sketch out some scenes, with Eskimo`s, sledges, husky dogs and a mother and baby covered in fur, and even started plaiting some wool. I became focused on an idea, and as I started to reread the original essay, I noticed a change in my thinking, then a slight change in my movements, even my nose began to run, Movement!!!
The story helped me focus off the stiffness, and by applying myself through sketching, I expressed some images on paper. It was like thawing out some frozen bit of fear in the mind.And that was a block, Fear. Something I had not let go of in my system.So I now am practicing art therapy at home when this stiffness occurs. Art is fun, and really Therapeutic! – ASH
2nd Comment About Art Therapy, Anemia, & Collages
Since that terrible experience in 2000, I have resurrected six of the children`s stories I wrote in 1986, and when I was fatigued in 2004, one day I went out walking {Middle of winter}, and gathered some leaves, straw, sticks, and bits and pieces, into a plastic bag, and created a collage on a Cork board, An African Kraal. Then I painted a woodpile and fire with cinders, Alloes,Wooden Huts,painted an old Madala {African Chief} and some women carrying pots on their heads, a trough, and an African dog yapping.
From this collage, I started to illustrate the children`s book I wrote in 1984. By going out and forraging for natural objects, and focusing onto the illustrations, after nine months of intense work, I began to feel better.
I know that I drew expression from past images in mind, but it cleared alot of fatigue. Also those images that were resurrected were colourful and youthful, so the experience created some energy. However, a few years later I needed treatment for anemia, and am alot better again. The art therapy really has and does help aid recovery!!! The best therapy on Earth! That is all for now, am working on a new book called The Platypus`s Dance. Need some images, need some images!!!!! Bye for Now -ASH
Angela Harrisons experience mirrors mine. I lost my husband 2 years ago. About a year after that I woke up with horrible pain in my hands. This progressed to my hips and legs. Hey, I am over 70ty, but was a dancer, a painter, an artist in my heart and soul and I was frozen with pain. The tests said I had osteo arthritis.
This has been a difficult time. Brave to my family and the outside world. Scared and full of fear alone.
I am painting again. Slowly moving around the frozen. Trying for the energy I get through my acrilic colors. Moving the stiffness, pain and frozen towards the best therapy I know putting paint on canvas and loosing the frozen fear into the beautiful zones of making ones special expressions and marks. Dance away the pain. It is starting to ease in…………….Thanks for the art therapy images…DD
Yes,Art Therapy really works around these two blank areas, Fear and Ice. Using warm colours, begins to thaw away the ice, and dance is another way to free the Emotional body from rigidity. Thankyou for sharing your experience Diana. Even though I didn`t go through the same kind of shock, I can underestand what this fear and ice is, a state of Mind, that needs to be gently let go of, as there is a magnitude of Health behind it.Collage work is fascinating, and working with the elements, ie “dribbling ink or acrylic blobs on paper, printing and tearing paper, then rearranging the patterns. I like Abstract Art, and some days I experiment with collage. Soaking paper in coloured paint, drying it out, scribbling images, then tearing it up to then recreate another image. This kind of floppy art really limbo`s up the Mind, and one works with a state, whether it be fear, anger, or sadness. I feel it clears ideas, and then we can create a new picture. Although it is best to put things away sometimes, and keep returning to them. Then decide on a Title, and create another scenario of ideas, from what you have made.I did a picture like that from torn up pieces of paper, and made a marine type collage, with jelly fish, a tropical fish called a Burr fish from the West Indies, and it`s journey of sub tropical aquatic life. Of course I needed to resource information about tropical fish, but this kind of therapy, certainly helps one to detatch from past things, that we have no control over, but we can help ourselves to move on and detatch.It is called “Self discovery”, and Painting is our Tool.Yes, Art Therapy certainly is the best way to rediscover and Create.Good Luck with your Art Work.Thankyou for sharing your experience, and hope you begin to heal.Working in the Aquamarine World really seems to limbo the joints up, and as Natural Therapy recommends the Omega Fish Oils aid Oesteoarthritis. Once again, thankyou for sharing your similar experience, Happy Painting.Angela Harrison