Part of my hopes and goals for the Art Therapy Blog is that it becomes a useful resource to anyone on any level with regards to using art in a therapeutic way, including the average person as well as the seasoned art therapist. Whether the site is a resource for general information about art therapy, or whether it is a source for inspiration or new ideas, my hope is that the site can speak to many people at once, without feeling daunting.
While trying to appeal to a wider audience may not be ideal, I feel it is a challenge worth conquering. With the challenge of appealing to a more diverse audience, I recognize that there will be missteps, missing ideas and concepts, and well, simply not perfect. Luckily, I am the type of person that believes there is always room for improvement!
On the flip side of that, I can say that I have had a lot of great response to this site so far. The comments and stats have been very encouraging! So, I wanted to say thank you to all the supporters and subscribers…Thank you!
That said, there’s a lot of things I’d like to add to the site that I just haven’t had the time to get on here yet. But if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, or would like to write a guest post on the site, feel free to drop me a line: arttherapyblog {AT} gmail {DOT} com. I am always open to and enjoy hearing from my readers.
I just discovered your blog and am eager to see what I can learn from it.
I’m writing a book called Color Your Life Happy created to inspire, uplift and empower. It’ll be mostly articles and anecdotes about creating happiness, relating with others and making good life choices. But there will also be colorable cartoons and relevant quotations.
My daughter just suggested that I include blank pages, and some with just an art therapy prompt at the top. My target audience is young adult and up. Could you suggest a source for art activities?
Thank you.
Oops! I posted my request for art therapy activities before I fully explored your blog.
I see now that you have posted many activities and ideas.