We’ve recently added an art therapy grants and scholarships page to the site. If you know of any other scholoarships or grants, please emails us at arttherapyblog(at)gmail(dot)com. Meanwhile, check out the latest scholarship from the American Art Therapy Association – The Pearlie Roberson Award. There are two awards available for students and professionals (one each).
The deadline is July 15, 2010. Learn more here.
relief for trauma victims
any one intrested in a corrabolative research in art therapy? masters and PhD level. in the areas of creative arts education in resolution of post traumatic stress disorders in war and desaster afflicted persons.( art therapy as a relief for trauma victims)i am intrested in working with hospitals, communities ,universities and relief organisations
Hi…am 63yrs and hv a BA plus Dip in Edu. Have been a single parent of 3 Children for the past 30yrs. Art has been the inner healer in my life. And I have been involved in assisting the needy thru art activities which i picked up from here and there.
Now that my kids are grown up, i like to further my art education formally in hope that i can further assist the community.
I am a Malaysian residing in Malaysia.
Can anyone suggest scholarship links .
Thank you
Bala K
any art therapy scholarships /grants and institutions offering art therapy courses
I’ve been looking for so long for art therapy trainings or studies. Finally I found you !!!!
I am so happy as I’ve been longing to study art therapy. I did my BA in education through art, but after a tragic accident that happened to me last year, I became more interested in Art therapy as a was to heal and overcome obstacles. I paint and I have been working in humanitarian for 6 years. I am really interested in taking courses that would help me to work with traumatized children and women.
Please let me know if there’s any training I can attend. I must say I am not a UK resident. I am Lebanese and I am currently living in Beirut. I was hoping I can apply for scholarship, but seems I missed the deadline. Please fill me out with all details and ways to attend these trainings.
Rima Jreich
anything slated for 2011?
Targets and coca cola’s have good scholarships