According to the CDC, 1 in 110 children have some form of autism. While symptoms vary from case to case, there are two essential characteristics of the disorder: the subject experiences 1) a deficit in “social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts,” and 2) “restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviors, interests, and activities.” Since autism is a spectrum disorder, there are […]
You Won’t Believe What This Guy Does With a Dying Teenager’s Heartbeat That Lifts His Family’s Spirits
Brian Schreck does something absolutely brilliant that you have to see and hear to believe. Watch and listen to what he does with one teenager’s heartbeat from the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. This is probably one of the most symbolic and heartfelt ideas and gestures we’ve ever seen or heard.
Music Therapy Helps Teen With Down Syndrome (Video)
Christina Clapp, a 14-year-old teenager with Down syndrome has been benefiting from a variety of therapies, but especially music therapy. Like other kids with Down syndrome, Christina has various behavioral issues and a difficult time staying focused. However, her passion and interest for music and music therapy help her overcome these issues and make progress […]
The Healing Properties of Music Therapy
We hope you enjoy this inspiring podcast that explores how music therapy helps people heal. If I had to give up all other therapies, if I could only keep one on board, I would choose music therapy in a heartbeat, because as I said before she encompasses so many other areas. This has been brought […]
Amy Winehouse Foundation Provides Music Therapy for Disabled Children
Before her death on July 23, 2011, Amy Winehouse changed millions of lives worldwide with her songwriting skills and vocal talents. To help immortalize these gifts, as well as celebrate Winehouse’s love for music, the singer’s family and friends created the Amy Winehouse Foundation. Founded on September 14, 2011, the Amy Winehouse Foundation helps teenagers […]
Music Therapy Helps Memory & Alzheimer’s Patients – Alive Inside Movie
The following video clips are from a movie called Alive Inside that investigates the power of music therapy and its ability to help people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. It explores how music from a person’s past can help unlock memories that have been locked away for many years. Together with Oliver Sacks, the movie investigates […]
New Study: Music Therapy and Video Project Helps Young Cancer Patients Cope
According to a recent report released by the Indiana University School of Nursing, young people suffering from cancer felt better about themselves and their outlook on support and family after working on an extensive music project. All the subjects in the program were undergoing a series of risky intravenous, stem cell transplant treatments. The research […]
Music Therapy Helps in All Stages of Surgery
Everyone understands that music is capable of helping those that are suffering. Recent numerous studies have also shown that music therapy can actually improve recovery times for surgery as well as help reduce pain throughout the entire process of having surgery performed and even through recovery. The University of Kentucky published a medical-research study that […]
Make Your Own Kind of Music (Therapy)
by Dr. Deah Schwartz “You’ve got to make your own kind of music, sing your own special song. Make your own kind of music, even if nobody else sings along.” – Cass Elliot The purpose of this activity is to begin to explore our own definition of what is consonant and dissonant about our self-image. […]
Music Therapy in China Helps Treat Hearing Conditions
The following video discusses the benefits of music therapy with people who have hearing conditions, specifically people who have constant ringing in their ears with no external source, otherwise known as tinnitus. The video talks about using music therapy to help heal the mental aspects as opposed to the physical aspects of tinnitus.