People can change in different ways over the course of their lifetime. While it varies by individual, some people may not change drastically over the course of their life, but some people do make drastic transformations…sometimes more than once!
There are too many possibilities to list every reason why or how people might change, but it’s important to understand that we all go through changes and transformations in our lives. Big or small, these transformations help contribute to who we are as a person. Sometimes the changes happen without us realizing we’re different until after the fact. But what about when transformations are deliberate and we want to make a change within ourselves? Transformational art therapy might be beneficial…let’s call them past transformations/changes and future transformations/changes. First, let’s look at what we mean by transformation and change.
What Are Past Transformations & Life Changes?
Past transformation is an event or experience that has already happened, resulting in a change or transformation in the individual. There are all sorts of experiences that can alter a person’s mental or emotional state. For example, the passing of a family member, divorce, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, a traumatic event, etc. Change doesn’t have to be the result of a negative experience though. Transformation can result because of a visit to another country, meeting someone that has a positive influence on you, falling in love with someone, general praise and care, etc.
What Are Future Transformations & Life Changes?
Future transformation refers to an individual wanting to change something about themselves. Maybe you want to be a better listener, learn a new skill, overcome a fear, etc. While it may not always be the case, future transformation usually refers to a “problem” the individual wants to address within themselves. Sometimes these transformations are better-assisted with the help of a professional therapist, and sometimes it just takes action on the part of the individual.
What Does Art Therapy Have to do With Transformation & Change?
Transformational art therapy can help depending on what type of transformation (past, future, both) you want to address. With past transformations and changes, art therapy may provide further insight into the cause of your transformation or how that change has affected you today. For example, if you recently lost a family member or someone close to you, then creating art based on that tragic event can be therapeutic. With something as serious as death, it’s also a good idea to consider professional art therapy with a certified art therapist.
But let’s look at a more positive example of change…say falling in love with someone. Sometimes it’s not always easy to communicate heightened emotions through words. If you’re like me, you may not be as eloquent with expressing those types of feelings with words. Well, art therapy can be a great way to channel those feelings into something creative that expresses your feelings in a personal way.
Transformational therapy, or in this case art therapy that addresses future transformations or life changes, can be beneficial in numerous ways. Let’s say you have been sad lately and you want to be more happy. You can use art therapy as a way to focus on the positive things in your life. Or maybe you want to focus your creative energy into what’s causing you to be sad. There’s all sorts of ways you can use art therapy to concentrate on things you want to change. It might just be the kick start you need to take action and make the changes you’d like to see.
When Past Transformations Intersect with Desired Positive Life Changes
Another interesting cross-section of transformational therapy, or art therapy geared towards life changes, is when a past transformation and future positive life change intersect. There are many times that a past negative life transformation or experience results in the desire to make a positive life change. For example, sexual abuse can have serious negative effects on an individual. Usually, there is a desire or a need for this individual to work towards a positive life change, transforming his/her mental and emotional state. And don’t forget, it’s important to consider professional therapy and seeing a certified art therapist.
Stay tuned as there is a follow up art therapy activity related to this article 🙂
hello, thank you for such a patiently and thoroughly put-together website!
this is such a great help to people like me.
keep up the good work!
this is a good article for me, because many of my clients are going through transitions of all sorts.
all the best-
@Peachy, thank you for the kind words…they are encouraging! And continue the great work that you do as well 🙂
Cato Sims – November 29,2008 9:03 PM
Thank you for an eye opening subject that is put together focusing wn change. I work with a group of senion citizens, and “Art Therapy is a good approach when talking about life’s changes.
Art therapy is definitely a great treatment option for both mental and physical ailments. The Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt has an art therapy program that emphasizes using the creative process as a means to heal. Recently, CED wrote an entry on their eating disorder blog about the benefits of art therapy check it out here:
Can younger kids do this?
@Jane: Yes, depending on the kids, they should be able to do this.
Only have a
Degree in Media art and Design 2/1 do not not have a art therapy degree and do not intend doing one .
However have a possible chance to get a job in a care home where there are mentaly ill home of several different types . Would like to have afew ideas which might adapt to this sort invireoment . I do not intend trying to pull the wool over the Manager of the Care Home but incase there is not a qualified art thereapist would like a few ideas . Iam sixty two and many years ago I did work in a hospital with MS and some brain damage . At this time I helped out with art groups and did cooking groups but was not responsible for major art groups . Since then about ten years I got my degree . Years ago worked as a artists model both life and costume ( have to admit as I do not care for my slightly mature figure if I had to model would want to do it cotumed ). However with my creative idea could imagine dressing up a model in period dress for a class in care home from which they could produce sculptures for which they could paint ) I in face paint my own scultures .
Having told you so nmuch about my self if you have any ideas . Do not suggest I go to a expensive class because I do not have money . Kind regards and Thankyou , Kathrine Little
Thank you so much for the transformational art therapy info. I am a counselor at a center that provides shelter, counseling, legal advocacy among other services for survivors of domestic violence/sexual assault and believe this type of therapy would be beneficial for my clients.
@Shanti: You’re welcome…and thank you for taking the time to comment!
I have a b.f.a fine art ,and would like to get into the field of art therapy,where do i start?
Yesterday, my 8 year old daughter came home from school crying with horrible news. The mother of her best friend and classmate had died earlier that morning in a tragic accident. I am overwhelmed with saddness and concern for my daughter’s friend (also 8), her older brother(11), her younger sister(4)and their father. Apart from the cards,flowers and drawings already delivered, I would like to give something that more helpful/therapeutic to the children. My idea is to make an age-appropriate creative diary/book where the pages are headed with a simple task or instruction instead of the date. Here’s my problem #1- my mind is a creative BLANK at this moment!(I’m still in shock) I am desperate for ANY ideas or useful website addresses that could help me pull this off. Problem # 2- we are currently in the process of moving and I have no access to my email! Submit Comment-me back instead of emailing please! Much appreciated, Missy
Sounds absolutely great.