Are you the type of person that feels stretched too thin? Do you try to please and accommodate everyone under the sun? Could you be spending more of your time on the people that matter most in your life? If so, this may be a good art therapy exercise for you.
There’s only so much time in a day, a week, a month, a year, and even a lifetime to do the things we want. There’s just never enough time. We live life one moment to the next and when it comes time to reflect on those moments, we want them to be well-spent, memorable, and hopefully un-regrettable.
Here’s a simple activity that you can do to help prioritize and focus your energy on the people that matter most to you. I’m talking about the people that help you maximize the moments of joy in your life. It’s easy to become misguided and distracted, and to focus on the bad energy that surrounds you. Therefore, sometimes it is helpful to focus on the people that make you smile, treat you right, and really have a positive influence in your life.
So, for this exercise, you can use as many, or as few, materials as you like. This is meant to be as open and unique as you want with regards to the art you will create. This activity may need to be spread out over some time, but it will be well worth it.
Okay, think of 5-15 people in your life that matter most to you. In other words, if you had to choose 5-15 people to go with you to a deserted island, who would they be? Write their names down, and try to limit who you take to 15.
Now, create a unique piece of art for each individual that reflects their relationship with you and why you chose them to go with you to the island. You can draw, paint, photograph, collage, craft, or sculpt anything you like. There are no limitations on the art materials you use or the art you create. It could be a poem or a painting or whatever you think fits best.
When you’re done creating your pieces of artwork, you should have some newfound positive energy in your life that you can then put forth with the people you named. Use that energy and motivation to call them up or do something fun, whatever it is that you want to do, as long as you’re spending time and energy with these people.
If you want, you can offer your art to them as a token of your appreciation for their positive influence in your life. If anyone does this activity or has done a similar exercise in art therapy, feel free to share your experiences by leaving a comment below.
Oops… what was named as the Easy Art Therapy Activity appeared to be the hardest test to me, and I didn’t pass it. When I tried to choose 5-15 people to go with me to a deserted island, I faced the empty list… Therefore I WHOLEHEARTEDLY thank you for the help to comprehend the truth. While trying to choose 5-15 people, I was forced to acknowledge all my fellowships were held in the mental reality. I was dealing not with people, but with my own ideas, and thus the loneliness I faced around was inescapable in ultimate result.
That should look the awful discovery, but I am very happy because such comprehension was the necessity for the real recovering. Your ‘simple’ activity helped to sense my need for the healing. Thank you.
I’m trying to make my list once again now – you are welcomed on my board.
Wow, we are two already, now it would be much easier to gather the rest of our team.
Thank you once more again.
good evening…..
what particular/specific art therapy….???
your answer would mean a lot to us researcher because we are conducting our research now entitled ” The effects of Art Therapy in Physiological condition of Mentally Disturbed Older Persons in Mental Hospital.”
We have a strong feeling that it would help their physiological condition….
hope to hear from you soon….
your response would be a big help in our research and the older persons….
thank you^_^
GOD bless^_^
more powers to your blog….
I have a question; In the activity of “Health Draw” (dessin santé) the sun represent the father or men; could it represent “autority” depeding of “where” and the size or “how” it s placed ?hank you!
Beside, i always have good comments and results when i give those activities!
@Marie-Eve: Certainly, the sun could represenet authority depending on where and how it’s placed. Glad to hear you receeive good comments and results from this type of activity!
I love your blog. I am going to use this technique in my group and I am excited to see how it will go. Thanks so much!
Thanks, I’m going to try to replace the ‘body image’ of the self-esteem group I currently qrun with this exercise. I have found that the body image is personal and individual. It comes on its own by the end of the course. I’m trying it on my own first and I just can’t imagine being on a desert island without having to work, much less taking fun positive people with me. Hope I’m on the right track.
nice article…I mean that sunshine has a power that contains the value of treatment that affect both human health, physically and spiritually.
Nice article..I mean that sunshine has a power that contains the value of treatment that affect both human health, physically and spiritually.
I am a graphic designer and scrapper and found out your blog today and I was very happy to find these exercises of art therapy.
I’m thinking of using this technique in my group of students.
Thanks so much for the article.
I’ll let you know the results!
It is great and eye opening to know yourself better and see your freinds with a deeper thaught. Thanks
I found the therapy very helpful. However, I found it difficult to choose some people I would love to take with me. It wouldn’t be fair to separate them from their family and friends. I don’t think they would be as positive and happy and therefore it would be selfish of me too. Anyway, I’m not really going to the desert island and it was great to realise that being around them makes me a better person. Really enjoy your blog!
Hi & thanks.I am art teacher in college of fine art in iran( Isfahan). Before I had done this activity with children. To make postal card with this object: whom do you love most? drow & paint the present to him or her. This program help to them for feeling kindness & learning appreciation. Good luck